POFO on NPR Morning Edition

“Regardless of whether they’re placed with extended family members or in institutions, the researcher’s found that the one thing the children need is a stable living situation. They don’t do well if they’re bounced from one place to another. Having consistent long-term caregivers and steady sibling-like connections to other kids is also important.

‘So creating a family-like environment is what is really important,’ Whetten says. ‘And that can happen in a family setting in a small home or it can happen in an orphanage slash institution slash group home like SOS.'”

To hear or read the full story, click below:

(Original source from NPR: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/08/09/620285963/an-orphanage-that-doesnt-seem-like-an-orphanage)


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